
Paul Gesora

  • Position:    Manager, Quality Assurance and Planning

Mr. Paul N. Gesora, a career public servant, oversees the Department of Planning and Quality Assurance in the Authority. Among the responsibilities he carries out include coordinating implementation of NCA Strategic Plan, performance contracting, work planning, quality assurance pertaining to ISO standardization and risk management for the Authority. He has previously worked as the Deputy Chief Economist in the Ministry of Transport Infrastructure Housing & Urban Development and Public Works. Other ministries worked during the past include Roads and Public Works, Lands and Settlement, Agriculture and Rural Development, and Planning and National Development. Mr. Gesora was one of the key staff members who participated in developing a working organizational framework and strategic plan for the Authority at inception. A seasoned economist, Mr. Gesora brings over twenty years’ experience to NCA. Among the accomplished works undertaken, include: participation in the Implementation of Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation; development of initial strategic plans for Kenya National Highways Authority (KENHA), Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERA), Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA); Participation in the formulation of various policies, such as the Irrigation and Drainage Policy for Kenya, Kenya’s Horticultural Policy and the Oil-crops Policy for Kenya, etc. Mr. Gesora holds degrees in Bachelor of Arts (BA-Honors) and Master of Economics (MA) both in Economics from the MS University of Baroda (India).